Gensolve Practice Manager has integrated with AI (Artificial Intelligence).  This document provides some basics about writing clear and effective AI Prompts for use with Letters.  AI Exams have built in prompts that do not require user configuration, and they are tailored to the different Exam Types.

Note: The Gensolve Practice Manager Support Team is unable to provide guidance with regards to writing specific AI Prompts.  As a result some general  examples are provided.  Some more specific examples are provided where necessary in the Creating AI Letters Templates document.  


You have read the Intro to AI and System Requirements document.

You have requested that the AI Functionality be turned on by the Gensolve Practice Manager via the Support Desk and have turned on the AI Functionality for the relevant users.



This subject covers the following topics:

 What is an AI Prompt

 How to Write an Effective AI Prompt

 Where to Create an AI Prompt in Gensolve


What is an AI Prompt

An AI Prompt is the process by which you can instruct an AI Model. It's a set of words or phrases that tell the AI Model what you want it to do. Generally the following steps need to be completed:

  1. You provide the prompt: You type in what you want the AI Model to provide you with.
  2. AI processes the prompt: The AI analyses your prompt and understands your request.
  3. AI generates a response: Based on the prompt, the AI generates text.
Things that an AI Prompt can do:
  1. Generate text, images and sounds (For the purposes of integration with GPM we are generating text).
  2. Add different types of tone and context.
  3. Write different kinds of content.
  4. Sort text under headings and provide a clear layout.
What an AI prompt cannot do:
  1. Think critically or independently (it relies on the prompt the user provided).
  2. Have real-world experiences or emotions.
  3. Understand context perfectly, especially if it's complex or ambiguous.

     Note: The User must at all times verify any information generated by an AI Model. The AI Model is not an Allied Health Professional.    

                It is a tool to support your skills and knowledge, and in no way a replacement for them.

                AI Models have been known to "invent" or "hallucinate" when providing information.  This is why verification is very important.



How to Write an Effective AI Prompt

  1. Break the Prompt into parts.  Don't just create one long sentence as the prompt.
  2. Use clear Language.  Don't use general or ambiguous terms, be specific
  3. AI systems do not understand context.  As a result provide the tone and setting for the instruction.

Below is an example of an AI Prompt that a Physiotherapist may create.

You are a Professional Physiotherapist that works specifically in rehabilitation.

You wish to summarise the latest clinical notes using the SOTAP format.

Use bolded headings when detailing the SOTAP sections.

You must provide detailed goals for the patient based on the clinical notes focusing on rehabilitation

You must provide clear and concise information.



Where to Create an AI Prompt in Gensolve

  1. Please follow the link to the How to Create an AI Prompt in Gensolve article.



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