The Smart Form functionality in GPM allows you to email a link to your patients so they can electronically fill in a form on a desktop computer, tablet or mobile device.

If you have your own domain name you’re able to send these emails directly through GPM. If you don’t have your own domain name you can send the link manually by copying it from GPM and pasting it into your own email system such as Outlook or Gmail.

Please see our support link below if you have your own domain name and would like to enable email functionality:

Sending emails from GPM.


Creating an Email Template

To send the Smart Form link to your patients you need to have an Email Template created. This contains the content of the email asking the patient to click on the link and fill out the form.

1. The Email Template can be created under Administration >> Email Templates >> New Email Template

2. The Type needs to be set to Custom Forms, and the Form URL tag needs to be inserted into the body from the right hand side list of  Available Tags. Here’s a basic example for a Smart Consent Form:

3. Click on Save

Now that we have the Email Template created we can go ahead and test the functionality by sending an email containing the Smart Form link to ourselves. You can do this in the GPM application itself, or via GPM Web.


Sending a Smart Form email through GPM

1. If the client has an appointment already in the system you can right-click on that appointment and choose New Form Entry.

2. If the client doesn’t have an appointment in the system you can edit the client in GPM, then under the Full History tab click on Form Entry.

3. From here you will select the Smart Form from the list, the condition if applicable and click Share Link. You should see a Gensolve window similar to the image below appear. For testing purposes, you can enter your own email address.

4. If you’re set up to email through Gensolve you can go ahead and click the Send Email link, then wait for the email to come through.

5a. If you’re not set up to email through Gensolve, then instead of selecting the Send Email button, first click on the Copy To Clipboard button and then the Save Link button so that the Smart Form can be enabled behind the scenes. If Save Link is not selected as well, the link will be Invalid.


Note: Once the form has been sent, an 'Email Out' event will automatically be created. You can see this event in the Full History tab by ticking the Events checkbox and then clicking on Get Data or via Front Office >> Events >> Set the proper filters >> Get Data.

5b. From there go into your email program, create a new email and paste in the link (Ctrl + V), then add in some instructions to the client requesting that they click on the link and fill in the form.

6. Once the client has clicked on the link, filled in the form and saved it, a copy of the saved form will be stored under the client’s Letters &Uploads >> Uploaded Files as an HTML file or under the client's Full History >> Tick Form Entries box >> Get Data.

Note: If you wish the form to be saved back as an HTML file under the client's Letters & Uploads, please check the following: Save an HMTL snapshot when completing custom forms.


7. You can also search for clients who have recently filled in the form under Front Office >> Events. Just pick the date range and set the Of Type to be Filled In Form >> Get Data.

Sending a Smart Form email through GPM Web

1. Smart forms can also be sent through Web View – you will need to enter the same credentials as when you log into Gensolve.


You can also navigate to GPM Web through GPM by clicking on Options >> Select Open GPMWeb option.

2. Once logged in, search for the client using the Clients button on the left hand side bar >> Use the Search bar to find the client >> Click the to view them.

3. Now click on the Smart Forms tab and click the . Choose the Smart Form from the list and the condition if applicable, then click Share.

4. From here you can send the email or save the link in the same manner if in the GPM application.