In order to use HealthLink Messaging, you will need to register your practice with HealthLink to obtain an EDI (Electronic Documentation Interface) account.

  • On the HealthLink website, click on Join HealthLink

  • When you see this page, select HMS Gensolve Cloud Based Clinical Software

  • Proceed with the registration process to obtain an EDI account.

The EDI account allows you to send and receive messages to and from other providers, receive lab reports and send certain information to ACC.

Your EDI account is then configured within Gensolve Practice Manager, so you can send and received HealthLink messages from within GPM.

Please contact HealthLink to advise them of your EDI number so they can then configure HealthLink with GPM at their end. They will also email Gensolve to confirm your EDI number and request the configuration of it in your Gensolve application. You will be advised when that is complete..

Existing EDI account

If you have an existing EDI account that you wish to convert to use with Gensolve Practice Manager, please contact HealthLink.  

When you have confirmation that they have updated your EDI number to include GPM, contact Gensolve Support Desk to request that they configure HealthLink in your Gensolve application for you.

Once your account has been created and configured, you will see an new HealthLink menu in GPM.

Messages can then be sent and received to and from any computer you are logged in to GPM.


Note: if using ACC's HISO Interface with GPM, you will need to obtain a password for your EDI account.