The Tyro claiming service is integrated with Gensolve Practice Manager.

You can use your Tyro device(s) to perform Tyro  transactions from within the Gensolve Practice Manager application.

Follow the tutorials below to learn how to use the Tyro with GPM:

  1. Installing and Configuring the Tyro Terminal Adapter

  2. Setup the Tyro device(s)
    Your Tyro device needs to be setup in GPM so it can be used to carry out Tyro transactions.
    You may setup one or more devices and for one or more sites provided the devices are connected to your network.
    NB: If the Tyro software is not yet installed, you will have the option to download it from the Gensolve website when setting up your device(s).

  3. Add a Tyro Service Charge
    You may want to create a new service charge to indicate that charges for such services can be claimed through Tyro.

  4. Add a Tyro Payment Type
    You may want to create a Tyro payment type in order to initiate a Tyro transaction.
    NB: The Tyro machine can be used to carry out EFTPOS transaction using a client's bank card.

  5. Setup Clinicians for Tyro
    A Tyro transaction will process a payment for a service provided by a clinician. Each clinician should have been given a Tyro provider number which is registered with a device.

  6. Perform a Tyro Transaction
    You can process a Tyro claim from within GPM. You will still need to use the Tyro device to swipe the client's health card and follow the instructions on the device's screen.
    However the transaction can be initiated from GPM and its results stored in GPM.

  7. Perform a Tyro EFTPOS Transaction
    You can perform a Tyro claim via EFTPOS. Purchases can optionally include a cash out amount as well as the purchase amount to allow merchants to provide a cash out service to their customers.

  8. Perform a Manual Tyro Transaction
    If your internet connection is down, you will not be able to use GPM. However you should still be able to process the Tyro claims using the device. Once your internet connection is back up, you can record the details of each transaction in GPM (using the receipts printed by the device).

  9. Cancel a Tyro Transaction
    It may be necessary to cancel a previously made Tyro transaction. This can be done from within GPM.
    NB: Only approved transactions for the current date can be cancelled.


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