The Formula Field Type is useful to create math operations depending on values previously stored in the form entry, this field has the fields: NoOfQuestions, TotalScore and AnsweredQuestions internally defined. We are going to explain how to configure scores to a specific field, then view this score in the form and finally use the formula field, please follow the steps described below

Configure the score for a specific field

  1. Go to Administration >> Custom Forms >> Select the Owner Type: Contract and click Get Data.
  2. Click on to edit the Custom Form
  3. Click onto/Select the field (line of text) into which you need to add the Score by clicking onto it with your mouse
  4. Right mouse click on that same field to open the Context menu showing different options and select Edit

  5. Click on to edit the Custom Field
  6. Tick This Field answer counts towards the form entry score and set the Score in the Allowable Options area
  7. Click on Save

  8. Once the Score is set, the number of questions with scores will be displayed next to the Main Form Panel

Configure the total score in the form

  1. Click onto/Select the Main Form Panel wording
  2. Right mouse click to open the Context menu and select Add a Field

  3. Select the Custom Field
  4. Click on to create a Custom Field >> Select the Field Type: Score Field
  5. Click on to include the fields for which you need to set the Score
  6. Click on Save

  7. Click on Save

Configure the formula in the form

  1. Click onto/Select the Main Form Panel wording
  2. Right mouse click to open the Context menu and select Add a Field

  3. Select the Custom Field
  4. Click on to create a Custom Field >> Select the Field Type: Formula Field.
  5. Enter the Field Name.
  6. Click on Save

  7. Click on Save

  8. Select the formula field in the Display Properties on the right and enter the Formula as required

  9. Click on Save

Configure the Custom Form in the Contract

  1. Go to Contracts >> Click on All Contracts >> Click on Get Data.
  2. Click on to edit the Contract
  3. Click on to edit the Contract Type
  4. Select the Custom Form previously created on the field Show Custom Form1.
  5. Click on Save

  6. Click on the new Custom Form tab which you will see when viewing the Contract Details
  7. Fill the form to view the Total Score and the Formula Field which automatically calculates
  8. Click on Save

Export the contract's data in spreadsheet format

  1. Go to Administration >> Click on Letter Templates >> Select the Template Type: Contract >> Click on Excel Example
  2. Create a new Excel spreadsheet outside of Gensolve on your computer>> Copy the merge fields you need from the Gensolve Excel spreadsheet and paste onto your spreadsheet
  3. Save your new spreadsheet and exit out of Gensolve's spreadsheet

  4. Go to Contracts >> Click on All Contracts >> Tick the Include box >> Click on Export Data button to export data for that Included contract
  5. Select the Excel spreadsheet template that was previously created and saved on your computer and Click on Open

  6. Once the file is opened, the contract's data should be automatically filled