Prerequisite: Service Charges for Telehealth should have been created.

Follow these instructions to set your Online Booking Portal configurations in order to allow for the booking of Telehealth consultations

Configure the Clinician

  1. Go to Administration >> Web Configuration.
  2. Click on Clinicians and click on to add the Schedule.
  3. Click on to edit the Clinician and tick Web Enabled.
  4. Tick Override the Default Duration for this Provider and tick select the radio button for Advanced Appt Settings
  5. Click on Configure.

  6. Select the Site-Vendor and the Charge type.
  7. Enter the Duration.
    Note: For more information, please refer to Web portal Configuration - Clinicians Settings.

Book an Appointment

Note: to test how to book at appt, first Register yourself or a dummy Client on the portal via the Register button at the top right.

  1. Filter the search by the specific Site, Clinician type and/or Date you want to book the appointment for.
  2. Click Find a Clinician.


  1. Once you have located the practitioner, select the appointment type to use and the specific date/time you want to book the appointment for.
  2. In order to book online appointments, clients need to register with Gensolve via the online booking portal
    Note: For more information, please refer to Login and Booking Processes within Appointment Booking Web Portal.
  3. Enter Additional Notes if required and click Confirm Booking
  1. If Recaptcha is the Verification Type selected under Web Configuration >> General Settings; Tick I'm not a Robot and click on Confirm Booking.

          If SMS is the Verification Type selected under  Web Configuration >> General Settings; Enter the SMS verification code received and click on Confirm Booking.

  1. Your appointment has now been successfully booked as shown below:


  1. Once the Appointment is confirmed both the user and the clinic ( via the email address added to Web Configuration > General Settings) will receive an email with the URL that links the client (and the clinic's clinician) to the Telehealth conference.


  1. To start the Telehealth conference you simply open the link in the booking confirmation mail at the appointment time scheduled >> Enter the Access Code.


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