Medicare Online Patient Claim and Claiming for Clients Under 14
You can use the Medicare Online Service and GPM to submit patient claims to Medicare for services provided by your practice. Patient claims can also be used for Medicare claims for clients under the age of 14. Follow the process described below to learn how to Perform a Medicare Patient Claim via Medicare Online:
- Go to the Appointment Book
- Right-mouse click on the appointment and select Completed
- Once the Appointment is completed, right-mouse click on the appointment and select Medicare Online Patient Claim
- Select Claim Type: Patient Claim Fill the form
- Click on Submit Medicare Claim button.
- If your Client is under the age of 14 you will need to tick the Add Claimant tick box.
Once Medicare Claim is successfully submitted, Total Fees,
Contribution and Total
Charge Amount are updated and a new
row is displayed with Transaction Details.