Managing Conditions and Medical Notes

Medical notes refer to the medical information about a client's conditions.

The type of information entered in the medical notes will depend on the selected assessment type.

Medical information about a client's condition is created and maintained via the medical notes window following an appointment with a clinician.

Some of the information in the medical notes are linked to a condition and some of this information can be carried forward to other appointments.

The appointment in the calendar displays an icon ( when Not Completed or when Completed) when medical notes have been created.

Medical Notes can be created or modified either from:

  1. the appointment context menu on the calendar or

  2. the Client Appointment Details window:

In addition, medical notes can be created/copied from :

  • the most recent exam
  • a previous exam - this may be notes for a different condition or a different client.

See How to Create/Copy Notes Based on Another Condition.


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